
July Wrap Up and August TBR

     I can't believe I read 6 books this month! That's awesome! The problem is that I only reviewed one of those six books... Oh well... 
1- Remember (3/5)
     Remember had basically the same style of Year of Mistaken Discoveries (also by Eileen Cook). Since I met her and she sounded super nice (and I actually really like her writing style) I decided to read another novel by her. This one, I believe, is the 2nd newest one (it's behind With Malice which is getting a lot of recognition which is awesome). This book was a typical contemporary, nothing really special about it. I enjoyed it and if you wanna read a book where you won't get too attached to the characters or plot, then I recommend it to you. It's one of those type of books where you read it and then you basically forget about it. It's nice to read at the time but that's it. 
     This book was on my July TBR so √

2- Prisoner of Night and Fog (5/5)
     You can check my review of this book here.
3- Bound by Duty (3.5/5)
     I got Bound by Duty as an ebook a long time ago because I got an email from Bookbub (which is great you should check it out) saying that it was free on Amazon so I thought "Why not?". Anyways, I am currently travelling and I only brought two books with me (I was planning on buying some during the trip so that was okay), but after finishing reading Prisoner of Night and Fog I didn't feel like reading my other book, The Knife of Never Letting Go, so I was checking the ebooks that I have (on my phone) and I decided to read Bound by Duty. I don't know why but when I read ebooks I just can't take them as seriously as I would've taken an actual book. So it's weird for me to review them because they for some reason sound like fanfics to me. The novel was actually quite entertaining and I wanna know more about it (so I'll be definitely reading the next book). The characters were okay and I didn't really like the instalove to be honest. Instaloves aways make me feel weird about it and I can't really trust the characters and I always think they are hiding something. Because we know more about Amelia than Aidan, so I don't really trust him. But overall, I liked the story and the plot too. 
4- Muito Mais que 5inco Minutos (3/5)
     This book is written by a Brazilian Youtuber called Kéfera Buchman. It's in Portuguese but I'll still share my opinion about it with you guys. To be honest I was expecting something completely different. It's not that I didn't like it, she basically told the readers about her life before she started her Youtube channel, but I don't think it was very well written. It didn't seem like it had any particular order of events, and it also didn't have a very clear theme. Like one time she would talk about her struggles with bullying and then she would talk about romance and first dates and then she would talk about something else completely different. I don't know... I just don't think she needed to write a book about that to be honest. 
     (By the way, the translation of the title is: A lot more than Five Minutes; her channel is called 5inco Minutos, aka Five Minutes)
5- Quando Tudo Começou (3/5)
     Another book written by a Brazilian. This one was written by a famous Blogger (also Youtuber but mainly a Blogger), who is also an author of more than five books, that I really like. This is actually a graphic novel, illustrated by Lu Caffagi, and I think that the best part of the thing was the illustrations. They are absolutely stunning! I love them! However, I think that the story was kinda pointless. It was about Bruna's, the author, first day on her new school, when she was younger, It was cute and all but nothing really happened and, as I said about Muito Mais que 5inco Minutos, this story didn't really need to be written. We weren't that curious about it and she could have easily told us that on a blog post or something. It was cute but unnecessary.
6- The Knife of Never Letting Go (5/5)
     Check out my review here.


The Gunslinger
     My cousin recommended this book to me and now I'm at my other cousin's house and he has the book so now I'm reading it.  
 Beginning with a short story appearing in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction in 1978, the publication of Stephen King's epic work of fantasy -- what he considers to be a single long novel and his magnum opus -- has spanned a quarter of a century. Set in a world of extraordinary circumstances, filled with stunning visual imagery and unforgettable characters, The Dark Tower series is King's most visionary feat of storytelling, a magical mix of science fiction, fantasy, and horror that may well be his crowning achievement.                                                             Book I                                                                           In The Gunslinger (originally published in 1982), King introduces his most enigmatic hero, Roland Deschain of Gilead, the Last Gunslinger. He is a haunting, solitary figure at first, on a mysterious quest through a desolate world that eerily mirrors our own. Pursuing the man in black, an evil being who can bring the dead back to life, Roland is a good man who seems to leave nothing but death in his wake.

Princesa das Águas 
     A Little Mermaid retelling written by a Brazilian author. I really like the cover and I'm excited to read this book!

 Uma releitura da história da Pequena Sereia, com a marca de Paula Pimenta, uma das mais importantes autoras brasileiras da atualidade. Arielle Botrel é uma nadadora famosa, prestes a viver o maior desafio de sua vida: participar das Olimpíadas pela primeira vez. Porém, ao contrário do que todos pensam, ela não possui tudo que deseja. Por ser a filha caçula de uma grande família, a garota é muito protegida e, apesar das medalhas e dos troféus, sonha com uma vida diferente, onde possa ser livre. Até que um dia um acidente faz tudo mudar. Arielle é apresentada a um mundo diferente... E nele existe alguém que vira sua vida de cabeça para baixo. Porém, para conquistá-lo, ela terá que abrir mão de sua voz. Será que Arielle vai conseguir conquistar esse príncipe sem palavras? E se no coração dele já existir outra princesa?

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